Dear 16-year-old me: Protecting Our Skin Early – Facials Fort Lauderdale Spa Florida
“Dear 16-year-old Me”
is a public service announcement produced by the David Cornfield Melanoma Fund. At the young age of 29, David Cornfield was diagnosed with malignant melanoma. By 32, he lost his battle to this deadly disease, but not…
Best South Florida Facial Tips for Battling Wrinkles
Professional Grade Products and Tips for Battling Wrinkles
The cure for wrinkled skin has been sought after for many years. Just look at any television commercial or print ad, or perhaps run an Internet search on “how to reduce or get…
Treating All Shades of Beautiful – Facials Fort Lauderdale Spa Florida
Many consumers may not know that chemical peel treatments are safe for people of color. PCA SKIN understands that everyone’s skin is unique and many of our treatments and products are safe and highly effective on ethnic skin.
The following…
Myths & Truths About Chemical Peels and Skin Resurfacing – Facials Fort Lauderdale Spa Florida
When patients hear the words “chemical peel” they have many different thoughts as to what the actual outcome will bMe. Due to a lot of misinformation readily available on the internet and in the general media, chemical peeling can make people…
Antioxidants and free radicals – Facials Fort Lauderdale Spa Florida
As skin health professionals, we know how vitally important daily use of a broad spectrum sunscreen is to the overall health of our skin. We also know that no SPF can protect the skin from 100% of the harmful UVA/UVB rays emitted from the sun,…
Best Facial Fort Lauderdale Perfect 10 Minute Skincare Routine
The Perfect 10 (Minute Skincare Routine)
Every woman wants flawless skin. However, some believe they don’t have the time to dedicate to a proper skincare routine. Instead, they may rely on using an abundance of makeup to cover up problem…