Natural Facial Products

How smoking impacts the skin – Get Natural Facial Products

Get Natural Facial Products Smoking is one of the most controllable causes of disease and death today. It is also a major contributor to many skin conditions and complications, such as skin discoloration, breakdown of collagen and elastin,…
Facial Cleanser

MAX Stem Cell Facial Cleanser

Facial Cleanser Image Skincare’s The MAX™ is a revolution in anti-aging. What makes this line stand out is its ability to provide protection at the cellular level against nutritional imbalance, oxidative stress and UV damage. The MAX™…
Voted Best Facial Spa

Tips for Treating Under Eye Bags – Voted Best Facial Spa

Voted Best Facial Spa Posted on August 18, 2014 Your foundation is flawless, you have chosen the perfect shade of lipstick for the prettiest pout, and your eyelashes and eyebrows are on point. The only thing that is messing up your otherwise…
Facials Fort Lauderdale

Tips for Battling Wrinkles – Facials Fort Lauderdale Spa

Facials Fort Lauderdale Posted on September 2, 2014 The cure for wrinkled skin has been sought after for many years. Just look at any television commercial or print ad, or perhaps run an Internet search on “how to reduce or get rid of…
O2 Lift treatment

Oxygenation Products O2 Lift treatment

O2 Lift treatment Posted on October 20, 2014 We all know that oxygen is an essential element to sustain life. It’s not only what we breathe, but oxygen also kills harmful bacteria in our bodies while leaving the beneficial bacteria alone,…
ffl hiriser

Urban Retreat Spa Vote “Best Of The East” Third year in a row.

The readers for the Sun Sentinel's Hi-Riser have voted and for the third consecutive year, decided that Urban Retreat Spa deserves the honors of best massage and facials spa. Owner Frank Velaz was delighted to have been chosen again, "I am…